Wednesday, 21 November 2018

How to start WordPress for beginners

1.                        Download WordPress

You can begin installing WordPress by first downloading it. So you go to the link, you will see a screen as the following snapshot. Click on the download button.

2.                        Create Database
·        WordPress deals with MYSQL database. So by creating a new database with your user/password you are ready with your first database step.
·        After that, Begin your installation process.

3.                        WordPress Set Up
WordPress set up is very easy and anybody can do it without knowing much. Below are the step by step procedures how to set up WordPress on your computer.
Step (1) − Unzip the downloaded WordPress folder and drag it into your wamp server or local host.
Step (2) − Open your browser and go to your WordPress file path, and then you will get the screen of the installer. Select the language you are comfortable and click on Continue. After finishing all the main points, click on Submit button.
Step (3) − WordPress ensure database information and displays you the following screen as shown below.
Click on Run the install

You can also search and find a developer to hire for the word-press installation and configuration services as such peoples are experienced with it and all they can do the best job for you professionally.

Step (4) − Enter the following detail.

·        Site Title − Enter the name of the website which you want to create in WordPress.
·        Username − Enter the username.
·        Password twice − Enter password two times to safe your site.
·        Your E-mail − Enter your e-mail address to recover the password.
Going forward, click on the Install WordPress button.
Step (5) − After installation being successful, you will see a screen of the success. Click on Log In button.
Step (6) − After clicking on login, you will see a Admin Panel. Enter the username and password which you had choose during installation and click on the Log In button.
You will see your credentials detail added in WordPress.
Click on Log In button.


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